Last updated 4/12/2020
We have S + E + I + R = N, this is only constant because of the (degenerate) assumption that birth and death rates are equal, N is country population.
# Function code refernece from
# Susceptible equation
def dS_dt(S, I, R_t, T_inf):
return -(R_t / T_inf) * I * S
# Exposed equation
def dE_dt(S, E, I, R_t, T_inf, T_inc):
return (R_t / T_inf) * I * S - (T_inc**-1) * E
# Infected equation
def dI_dt(I, E, T_inc, T_inf):
return (T_inc**-1) * E - (T_inf**-1) * I
# Recovered/Remove/deceased equation
def dR_dt(I, T_inf):
return (T_inf**-1) * I
def SEIR_model(t, y, R_t, T_inf, T_inc):
if callable(R_t):
reproduction = R_t(t)
reproduction = R_t
S, E, I, R = y
S_out = dS_dt(S, I, reproduction, T_inf)
E_out = dE_dt(S, E, I, reproduction, T_inf, T_inc)
I_out = dI_dt(I, E, T_inc, T_inf)
R_out = dR_dt(I, T_inf)
return [S_out, E_out, I_out, R_out]
#Load dataset (global confirmed cases for each country)
train = pd.read_csv('./COVID19/week 4/train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('./COVID19/week 4/test.csv')
train['Date_datetime'] = train['Date'].apply(lambda x: (datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')))
#Load dataset for populations of each country
pop_info = pd.read_csv('./population_data.csv')
country_pop = pop_info.query('Type == "Country/Region"')
province_pop = pop_info.query('Type == "Province/State"')
country_lookup = dict(zip(country_pop['Name'], country_pop['Population']))
province_lookup = dict(zip(province_pop['Name'], province_pop['Population']))
#Plot SEIR model and predict
def plot_model_and_predict(data, pop, solution, title='SEIR model'):
sus, exp, inf, rec = solution.y
f = plt.figure(figsize=(16,5))
ax = f.add_subplot(1,2,1)
#ax.plot(sus, 'b', label='Susceptible');
ax.plot(exp, 'y', label='Exposed');
ax.plot(inf, 'r', label='Infected');
ax.plot(rec, 'c', label='Recovered/deceased');
plt.xlabel("Days", fontsize=10);
plt.ylabel("Fraction of population", fontsize=10);
ax2 = f.add_subplot(1,2,2)
preds = np.clip((inf + rec) * pop ,0,np.inf)
ax2.plot(range(len(data)),preds[:len(data)],label = 'Predict ConfirmedCases')
plt.title('Model predict and data')
plt.ylabel("Population", fontsize=10);
plt.xlabel("Days", fontsize=10);
Country = 'Hubei'
N = pop_info[pop_info['Name']==Country]['Population'].tolist()[0] # Hubei Population
# Load dataset of Hubei
train_loc = train[train['Country_Region']==Country].query('ConfirmedCases > 0')
if len(train_loc)==0:
train_loc = train[train['Province_State']==Country].query('ConfirmedCases > 0')
n_infected = train_loc['ConfirmedCases'].iloc[0] # start from first comfirmedcase on dataset first date
max_days = len(train_loc)# how many days want to predict
# Initial stat for SEIR model
s = (N - n_infected)/ N
e = 0.
i = n_infected / N
r = 0.
# Define all variable of SEIR model
T_inc = 5.2 # average incubation period
T_inf = 2.9 # average infectious period
R_0 = 3.954 # reproduction number
## Solve the SEIR model
sol = solve_ivp(SEIR_model, [0, max_days], [s, e, i, r], args=(R_0, T_inf, T_inc),
## Plot result
plot_model_and_predict(train_loc, N, sol, title = 'SEIR Model (without intervention)')
# Define all variable of SEIR model
T_inc = 5.2 # average incubation period
T_inf = 2.9 # average infectious period
# Define the intervention parameters (fit result, latter will show how to fit)
R_0, cfr, k, L=[ 3.95469597 , 0.04593316 , 3. , 15.32328881]
def time_varying_reproduction(t):
return R_0 / (1 + (t/L)**k)
sol2 = solve_ivp(SEIR_model, [0, max_days], [s, e, i, r], args=(time_varying_reproduction, T_inf, T_inc),
plot_model_and_predict(train_loc, N, sol2, title = 'SEIR Model (with intervention)')
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_log_error, mean_squared_error
#cumsum (lol) signal is to prevent fluctuations
def cumsum_signal(vec):
temp_val = 0
vec_new = []
for i in vec:
if i > temp_val:
temp_val = i
return vec_new
# Use a constant reproduction number
def eval_model_const(params, data, population, return_solution=False, forecast_days=0):
R_0, cfr = params # Paramaters, R0 and cfr
N = population # Population of each country
n_infected = data['ConfirmedCases'].iloc[0] # start from first comfirmedcase on dataset first date
max_days = len(data) + forecast_days # How many days want to predict
s, e, i, r = (N - n_infected)/ N, 0, n_infected / N, 0 #Initial stat for SEIR model
# R0 become half after intervention days
def time_varying_reproduction(t):
if t > 80: # we set intervention days = 80
return R_0 * 0.5
return R_0
# Solve the SEIR differential equation.
sol = solve_ivp(SEIR_model, [0, max_days], [s, e, i, r], args=(time_varying_reproduction, T_inf, T_inc),
t_eval=np.arange(0, max_days))
sus, exp, inf, rec = sol.y
# Predict confirmedcase
y_pred_cases = np.clip((inf + rec) * N ,0,np.inf)
y_true_cases = data['ConfirmedCases'].values
# Predict Fatalities by remove * fatality rate(cfr)
y_pred_fat = np.clip(rec*N* cfr, 0, np.inf)
y_true_fat = data['Fatalities'].values
optim_days = min(20, len(data)) # Days to optimise for
weights = 1 / np.arange(1, optim_days+1)[::-1] # Recent data is more heavily weighted
# using mean squre log error to evaluate
msle_cases = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_cases[-optim_days:], y_pred_cases[-optim_days:], weights)
msle_fat = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_fat[-optim_days:], y_pred_fat[-optim_days:], weights)
msle_final = np.mean([msle_cases, msle_fat])
if return_solution:
return msle_final, sol
return msle_final
# Use a Hill decayed reproduction number
def eval_model_decay(params, data, population, return_solution=False, forecast_days=0):
R_0, cfr, k, L = params # Paramaters, R0 and cfr
N = population # Population of each country
n_infected = data['ConfirmedCases'].iloc[0] # start from first comfirmedcase on dataset first date
max_days = len(data) + forecast_days # How many days want to predict
s, e, i, r = (N - n_infected)/ N, 0, n_infected / N, 0 #Initial stat for SEIR model
# Hill decay. Initial values: R_0=2.2, k=2, L=50
def time_varying_reproduction(t):
return R_0 / (1 + (t/L)**k)
# Solve the SEIR differential equation.
sol = solve_ivp(SEIR_model, [0, max_days], [s, e, i, r], args=(time_varying_reproduction, T_inf, T_inc),
t_eval=np.arange(0, max_days))
sus, exp, inf, rec = sol.y
# Predict confirmedcase
y_pred_cases = np.clip((inf + rec) * N ,0,np.inf)
y_true_cases = data['ConfirmedCases'].values
# Predict Fatalities by remove * fatality rate(cfr)
y_pred_fat = np.clip(rec*N* cfr, 0, np.inf)
y_true_fat = data['Fatalities'].values
optim_days = min(20, len(data)) # Days to optimise for
weights = 1 / np.arange(1, optim_days+1)[::-1] # Recent data is more heavily weighted
# using mean squre log error to evaluate
msle_cases = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_cases[-optim_days:], y_pred_cases[-optim_days:], weights)
msle_fat = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_fat[-optim_days:], y_pred_fat[-optim_days:], weights)
msle_final = np.mean([msle_cases, msle_fat])
if return_solution:
return msle_final, sol
return msle_final
from matplotlib import dates
import plotly.graph_objects as go
def fit_model_new(data, area_name, initial_guess=[2.2, 0.02, 2, 50],
bounds=((1, 20), (0, 0.15), (1, 3), (1, 100)), make_plot=True, decay_mode = None):
if area_name in ['France']:# France last data looks weird, remove it
train = data.query('ConfirmedCases > 0').copy()[:-1]
train = data.query('ConfirmedCases > 0').copy()
####### Split Train & Valid #######
valid_data = train[-7:].copy()
train_data = train[:-7].copy()
####### If this country have no ConfirmedCase, return 0 #######
if len(train_data) == 0:
result_zero = np.zeros((43))
return pd.DataFrame({'ConfirmedCases':result_zero,'Fatalities':result_zero}), 0
####### Load the population of area #######
#population = province_lookup[area_name]
population = pop_info[pop_info['Name']==area_name]['Population'].tolist()[0]
except IndexError:
print ('country not in population set, '+str(area_name))
population = 1000000
if area_name == 'US':
population = 327200000
if area_name == 'Global':
population = 7744240900
cases_per_million = train_data['ConfirmedCases'].max() * 10**6 / population
n_infected = train_data['ConfirmedCases'].iloc[0]
####### Total case/popuplation below 1, reduce country population #######
if cases_per_million < 1:
#print ('reduce pop divide by 100')
population = population/100
####### Fit the real data by minimize the MSLE #######
res_const = minimize(eval_model_const, [2.2, 0.02], bounds=((1, 20), (0, 0.15)),
args=(train_data, population, False),
res_decay = minimize(eval_model_decay, initial_guess, bounds=bounds,
args=(train_data, population, False),
####### Align the date information #######
test_end = datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-05-14','%Y-%m-%d')
test_start = datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-04-02','%Y-%m-%d')
test_period = (test_end - test_start).days
train_max = train_data.Date_datetime.max()
train_all_max = train.Date_datetime.max()
train_min = train_data.Date_datetime.min()
add_date = 0
delta_days =(test_end - train_max).days
if train_min > test_start:
add_date = (train_min-test_start).days
last = train_min-timedelta(add_date)
train_add_time = np.arange(last, train_min, dtype='datetime64[D]').tolist()
train_add_time = pd.to_datetime(train_add_time)
dates_all = train_add_time.append(pd.to_datetime(np.arange(train_min, test_end+timedelta(1), dtype='datetime64[D]')))
dates_all = pd.to_datetime(np.arange(train_min, test_end+timedelta(1), dtype='datetime64[D]'))
####### Auto find the best decay function #######
if decay_mode is None:
if < :
msle, sol = eval_model_const(res_const.x, train_data, population, True, delta_days+add_date)
res = res_const
msle, sol = eval_model_decay(res_decay.x, train_data, population, True, delta_days+add_date)
res = res_decay
R_0, cfr, k, L = res.x
if decay_mode =='day_decay':
msle, sol = eval_model_const(res_const.x, train_data, population, True, delta_days+add_date)
res = res_const
msle, sol = eval_model_decay(res_decay.x, train_data, population, True, delta_days+add_date)
res = res_decay
R_0, cfr, k, L = res.x
####### Predict the result by using best fit paramater of SEIR model #######
sus, exp, inf, rec = sol.y
y_pred = pd.DataFrame({
'ConfirmedCases': cumsum_signal(np.diff((inf + rec) * population, prepend=n_infected).cumsum()),
# 'ConfirmedCases': [inf[0]*population for i in range(add_date)]+(np.clip((inf + rec) * population,0,np.inf)).tolist(),
# 'Fatalities': [rec[0]*population for i in range(add_date)]+(np.clip(rec, 0, np.inf) * population * res.x[1]).tolist()
'Fatalities': cumsum_signal((np.clip(rec * population * res.x[1], 0, np.inf)).tolist())
y_pred_valid = y_pred.iloc[len(train_data):len(train_data)+len(valid_data)]
#y_pred_valid = y_pred.iloc[:len(train_data)]
y_pred_test = y_pred.iloc[-(test_period+1):]
#y_true_valid = train_data[['ConfirmedCases', 'Fatalities']]
y_true_valid = valid_data[['ConfirmedCases', 'Fatalities']]
#print (len(y_pred),train_min)
#print (y_true_valid['ConfirmedCases'])
#print (y_pred_valid['ConfirmedCases'])
####### Calculate MSLE #######
valid_msle_cases = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_valid['ConfirmedCases'], y_pred_valid['ConfirmedCases'])
valid_msle_fat = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_valid['Fatalities'], y_pred_valid['Fatalities'])
valid_msle = np.mean([valid_msle_cases, valid_msle_fat])
####### Plot the fit result of train data and forecast after 300 days #######
if make_plot:
if len(res.x)<=2:
print(f'Validation MSLE: {valid_msle:0.5f}, using intervention days decay, Reproduction number(R0) : {res.x[0]:0.5f}, Fatal rate : {res.x[1]:0.5f}')
print(f'Validation MSLE: {valid_msle:0.5f}, using Hill decay, Reproduction number(R0) : {res.x[0]:0.5f}, Fatal rate : {res.x[1]:0.5f}, K : {res.x[2]:0.5f}, L: {res.x[3]:0.5f}')
####### Plot the fit result of train data dna SEIR model trends #######
f = plt.figure(figsize=(16,5))
ax = f.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax.plot(exp, 'y', label='Exposed');
ax.plot(inf, 'r', label='Infected');
ax.plot(rec, 'c', label='Recovered/deceased');
plt.title('SEIR Model Trends')
plt.xlabel("Days", fontsize=10);
plt.ylabel("Fraction of population", fontsize=10);
#train_date_remove_year = train_data['Date_datetime'].apply(lambda date:'{:%m-%d}'.format(date))
ax2 = f.add_subplot(1,2,2)
xaxis = train_data['Date_datetime'].tolist()
xaxis = dates.date2num(xaxis)
hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m\n%d')
ax2.plot(np.array(train_data['Date_datetime'], dtype='datetime64[D]'),train_data['ConfirmedCases'],label='Confirmed Cases (train)', c='g')
ax2.plot(np.array(train_data['Date_datetime'], dtype='datetime64[D]'), y_pred['ConfirmedCases'][:len(train_data)],label='Cumulative modeled infections', c='r')
ax2.plot(np.array(valid_data['Date_datetime'], dtype='datetime64[D]'), y_true_valid['ConfirmedCases'],label='Confirmed Cases (valid)', c='b')
ax2.plot(np.array(valid_data['Date_datetime'], dtype='datetime64[D]'),y_pred_valid['ConfirmedCases'],label='Cumulative modeled infections (valid)', c='y')
plt.title('Real ConfirmedCase and Predict ConfirmedCase')
####### Forecast 300 days after by using the best paramater of train data #######
if len(res.x)>2:
msle, sol = eval_model_decay(res.x, train_data, population, True, 300)
msle, sol = eval_model_const(res.x, train_data, population, True, 300)
sus, exp, inf, rec = sol.y
y_pred = pd.DataFrame({
'ConfirmedCases': cumsum_signal(np.diff((inf + rec) * population, prepend=n_infected).cumsum()),
'Fatalities': cumsum_signal(np.clip(rec, 0, np.inf) * population * res.x[1])
####### Plot 300 days after of each country #######
start = train_min
end = start + timedelta(len(y_pred))
time_array = np.arange(start, end, dtype='datetime64[D]')
max_day = numpy.where(inf == numpy.amax(inf))[0][0]
where_time = time_array[max_day]
pred_max_day = y_pred['ConfirmedCases'][max_day]
xy_show_max_estimation = (where_time, max_day)
con = y_pred['ConfirmedCases']
max_day_con = numpy.where(con == numpy.amax(con))[0][0] # Find the max confimed case of each country
max_con = numpy.amax(con)
where_time_con = time_array[len(time_array)-50]
xy_show_max_estimation_confirmed = (where_time_con, max_con)
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=time_array, y=y_pred['ConfirmedCases'].astype(int),
line = dict(color='red'),
name='Estimation Confirmed Case Start from '+ str( ' to ' +str(
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=time_array[:len(train)], y=train['ConfirmedCases'],
name='Confirmed case until '+ str(,line = dict(color='green', width=4)))
text="Estimate Max Case around:" +str(int(max_con)),
text=f"Real Max ConfirmedCase: " +str(int(train['ConfirmedCases'].tolist()[-1])))
text='Infect start decrease from: ' + str(where_time))
fig.update_layout(title='Estimate Confirmed Case ,'+area_name+' Total population ='+ str(int(population)), legend_orientation="h")
#df = pd.DataFrame({'Values': train_data['ConfirmedCases'].tolist()+y_pred['ConfirmedCases'].tolist(),'Date_datatime':time_array[:len(train_data)].tolist()+time_array.tolist(),
# 'Real/Predict': ['ConfirmedCase' for i in range(len(train_data))]+['PredictCase' for i in range(len(y_pred))]})
#fig = px.line(df, x="Date_datatime", y="Values",color = 'Real/Predict')
#plt.figure(figsize = (16,7))
#plt.plot(time_array[:len(train_data)],train_data['ConfirmedCases'],label='Confirmed case until '+ str(,color='g', linewidth=3.0)
#plt.plot(time_array,y_pred['ConfirmedCases'],label='Estimation Confirmed Case Start from '+ str( ' to ' +str(,color='r', linewidth=1.0)
#plt.annotate('Infect start decrease from: ' + str(where_time), xy=xy_show_max_estimation, size=15, color="black")
#plt.annotate('max Confirmedcase: ' + str(int(max_con)), xy=xy_show_max_estimation_confirmed, size=15, color="black")
#plt.title('Estimate Confirmed Case '+area_name+' Total population ='+ str(int(population)))
#plt.legend(loc='lower right')
return y_pred_test, valid_msle
country = 'Spain'
if country not in train['Country_Region'].unique():
country_pd_train = train[train['Province_State']==country]
country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]
a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train,country,make_plot=True)
country = 'Italy'
if country not in train['Country_Region'].unique():
country_pd_train = train[train['Province_State']==country]
country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]
a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train,country,make_plot=True)
country = 'New York'
if country not in train['Country_Region'].unique():
country_pd_train = train[train['Province_State']==country]
country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]
a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train,country,make_plot=True)
country = 'US'
country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]
country_pd_train2 = country_pd_train.groupby(['Date']).sum().reset_index()
country_pd_train2['Date_datetime'] = country_pd_train2['Date'].apply(lambda x: (datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')))
a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train2,country,make_plot=True)
country = 'Global'
country_pd_train2 = train.groupby(['Date']).sum().reset_index()
country_pd_train2['Date_datetime'] = country_pd_train2['Date'].apply(lambda x: (datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')))
a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train2,country,make_plot=True)
import numpy
validation_scores = []
validation_county = []
validation_country = []
for country in tqdm(train['Country_Region'].unique()):
country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]
#if country_pd_train['Province_State'].isna().unique()==True:
if len(country_pd_train['Province_State'].unique())<2:
predict_test, score = fit_model_new(country_pd_train,country,make_plot=False)
if score ==0:
print(f'{country} no case')
test.loc[test['Country_Region']==country,'ConfirmedCases'] = predict_test['ConfirmedCases'].tolist()
test.loc[test['Country_Region']==country,'Fatalities'] = predict_test['Fatalities'].tolist()
for state in country_pd_train['Province_State'].unique():
if state != state: # check nan
state_pd = country_pd_train[country_pd_train['Province_State'].isna()]
predict_test, score = fit_model_new(state_pd,state,make_plot=False)
if score ==0:
print(f'{country} / {state} no case')
test.loc[(test['Country_Region']==country)&(test['Province_State'].isna()),'ConfirmedCases'] = predict_test['ConfirmedCases'].tolist()
test.loc[(test['Country_Region']==country)&(test['Province_State'].isna()),'Fatalities'] = predict_test['Fatalities'].tolist()
state_pd = country_pd_train[country_pd_train['Province_State']==state]
predict_test, score = fit_model_new(state_pd,state,make_plot=False)
if score ==0:
print(f'{country} / {state} no case')
test.loc[(test['Country_Region']==country)&(test['Province_State']==state),'ConfirmedCases'] = predict_test['ConfirmedCases'].tolist()
test.loc[(test['Country_Region']==country)&(test['Province_State']==state),'Fatalities'] = predict_test['Fatalities'].tolist()
# print(f'{country} {state} {score:0.5f}')
print(f'Mean validation score: {np.average(validation_scores):0.5f}')
validation_scores = pd.DataFrame({'country/state':validation_country,'country':validation_county,'MSLE':validation_scores})
validation_scores.sort_values(by=['MSLE'], ascending=False).head(20)
large_msle = validation_scores[validation_scores['MSLE']>1]
test_end = datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-05-14','%Y-%m-%d')
test_start = datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-04-02','%Y-%m-%d')
train_max = train.Date_datetime.max()
train_min = train.Date_datetime.min()
delta_days =(test_end - train_max).days
all_days =(test_end - train_min).days
test_days = (test_end - test_start).days
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
for country in large_msle['country'].unique():
if (country!= country)==False: # check None
#print ('training model for country ==>'+country)
country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]
country_pd_test = test[test['Country_Region']==country]
if len(country_pd_train)==0:
country_pd_train = train[train['Province_State']==country]
country_pd_test = test[test['Province_State']==country]
x = np.array(range(len(country_pd_train))).reshape((-1,1))[:-7]
valid_x = np.array(range(len(country_pd_train))).reshape((-1,1))[-7:]
y = country_pd_train['ConfirmedCases'][:-7]
valid_y = country_pd_train['ConfirmedCases'][-7:]
y_fat = country_pd_train['Fatalities'][:-7]
valid_y_fat = country_pd_train['Fatalities'][-7:]
model = Pipeline([('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)),
('linear', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False))])
model =, y)
model_fat = Pipeline([('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)),
('linear', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False))])
model_fat =, y_fat)
predict_y = model.predict(valid_x)
predict_yfat = model_fat.predict(valid_x)
score = mean_squared_log_error(np.clip(valid_y,0,np.inf), np.clip(predict_y,0,np.inf))
score_fat = mean_squared_log_error(np.clip(valid_y_fat,0,np.inf), np.clip(predict_yfat,0,np.inf))
score = (score+score_fat)/2
print(f'{country} {score:0.5f}')
if score < large_msle[large_msle['country']==country]['MSLE'].tolist()[0]:
validation_scores.loc[validation_scores['country']==country,'MSLE'] = score
predict_x = (np.array(range(all_days))).reshape((-1,1))
test.loc[test['Province_State']==country,'ConfirmedCases'] = model.predict(predict_x)[-43:]
test.loc[test['Province_State']==country,'Fatalities'] = model_fat.predict(predict_x)[-43:]
x = np.array(range(len(country_pd_train))).reshape((-1,1))[:-7]
valid_x = np.array(range(len(country_pd_train))).reshape((-1,1))[-7:]
y = country_pd_train['ConfirmedCases'][:-7]
valid_y = country_pd_train['ConfirmedCases'][-7:]
y_fat = country_pd_train['Fatalities'][:-7]
valid_y_fat = country_pd_train['Fatalities'][-7:]
model = Pipeline([('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)),
('linear', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False))])
model =, y)
model_fat = Pipeline([('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)),
('linear', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False))])
model_fat =, y_fat)
predict_y = model.predict(valid_x)
predict_yfat = model_fat.predict(valid_x)
score = mean_squared_log_error(np.clip(valid_y,0,np.inf), np.clip(predict_y,0,np.inf))
score_fat = mean_squared_log_error(np.clip(valid_y_fat,0,np.inf), np.clip(predict_yfat,0,np.inf))
score = (score+score_fat)/2
print(f'{country} {score:0.5f}')
if score < large_msle[large_msle['country']==country]['MSLE'].tolist()[0]:
validation_scores.loc[validation_scores['country']==country,'MSLE'] = score
predict_x = (np.array(range(all_days))).reshape((-1,1))
test.loc[test['Country_Region']==country,'ConfirmedCases'] = model.predict(predict_x)[-43:]
test.loc[test['Country_Region']==country,'Fatalities'] = model_fat.predict(predict_x)[-43:]
val_soces = validation_scores['MSLE'].tolist()
print(f'Mean validation score: {np.average(val_soces):0.5f}')